
thanks??entry ak sgt pelik..xde kene-ngena ngn story.haha.
sje jer.
btw i would to say thanks you to my beloved frenz   ERUL!
                                                                  korang knl dea x?x knl?ok nie ak sertakn pic dea
1st ak tahu korang ingt nie boypren ak an
ok!korang silap
mane mungkin org cam dea jdi boypren ak!dea dh lar ensem.
dea kawan ngn ak lame kod.since ak form2(ye kod)
now ak dah 18thun..ok now korang calculate bpe lme..
kenapa ak ckp thnks?ske aty lar..hehe
mang lar ak perlu ucap thnks coz dea kwn aku
btw dea called me yu
sama mcm family sya pnggl.      

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